Manatee Dreaming
Photo from the internet
manatee comes
from the word 'manati,' meaning breast
in the Taino
(a pre-Columbian/Caribbean tribe) language
So I'm driving home from the dentist
mouth aching numb lipped
it's hot and tourists are everywhere
crowding in summer's last frenzy
on the radio someone's singing
Dreaming--but my fuzzy brain
hears manatee
dreaming because it's hot
because I'm glum
because my lips are numb
and suddenly I'm there--
off with those monstrous looking angels
of the deep and we are cool
and placid in turquoise waters
not your fancy dolphin-types
leaping gaily into the air
but solid Midwestern sort
of creatures no
nonsense animals…
I remember once at an aquarium
coming face to face with one
only thin glass between
the wrinkled head and me
and nose to nose we exchanged smiles
the small gentle eyes
seeming to know me
and she seeming happy
as if her life on display
were no matter
as if I were the one to be pitied
more than her and she would have
if she could have hugged me
to her great pillowy breast
and kindly told me all
I would ever need to know
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