Photo by S. Auberle
Rain keeps falling, another north wind wails this morning, as Spring glooms on.
The little gray cat drapes
herself across the back of my chair, purring as I write. She's good for me, because, these days, like
so many others, I turn sad at the thought of my teacher, Norbert Blei--my
mentor, my friend, leaving. He--this
shaman of words, who taught me to bring out what was inside, who believed in me
and never stopped telling me so. Norbert
disliked intensely the word "magic." Never use it, he growled, or angels or sunsets, roses, all those old
hackneyed cliché words. But sorry,
Norb, I have to say it--there was no one more full of magic than you. The Pied Piper of words, images, stories--we
followed along, joyfully, exuberantly, behind
you--a long string of would-be writers and you believed in every one of
Today is the birthday of William Shakespeare,
another master of words. Tonight the
full moon will light up the world, if it can get through the clouds, but our
light is gone--at 8:18 a.m., just a few minutes ago, Norbert, with Jude his
love, by his side, passed. Suddenly,
there are no more words.