Monday, December 07, 2015

In Memoriam

Photo by S. Auberle


I imagine my mother that night
December 7, 1941,
listening to the radio:
Glenn Miller’s String of Pearls,
Edward R. Murrow, wishing the world
good night and good luck,
breaking news…
the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

My mother’s hands are folded
on the mound that is me,
that pulsating cord connecting us.
Do I sense her fear,
feel the tightening, the pain?

Beneath her dress I float,
extending a hand, a foot now and then,
wanting reassurance, perhaps
that all will be well
and my mother strokes her belly,
thinking of Japanese women
and their babies soon to be born,
as I will be three months later…

I have not yet lived long enough
to see world peace.
So many never have the chance.

~  Sharon Auberle

an old poem I haven't posted for awhile, but it seems a good time to do so...


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