Monday, May 31, 2010


Photos by S. Auberle
May and lilacs fade
summer is a-comin' in
bees are drunk with love
~ mimi


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful Sharon. I'd like to sit down with an album of yours and just lose myself in it. I scroll the internet, but sometimes, I just want to be able to brush my fingers on the images.

Thank you for yourkind words on my Jazz poem. Isn't that man something, taking the time to put that poem up at this point in his life.


7:32 AM  
Blogger Sharon Auberle said...

Hi Jackie,

yes, the man is, for sure, something...and how lucky we are to benefit from his words all these years.
and your poem is sensational!

thanks so much for the kind words.

3:21 PM  

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