Thursday, May 03, 2012


Photo by S. Auberle

you have done this before,
you are certain of it,
in other lifetimes, perhaps,

fallen to your knees, like today
before these new goddesses:
trout lily, hepatica,
trillium, marybell...

you feel something ancient
unfurling in your heart
something buried deep
and long ago.

From childhood you have known the forest--
your lover, mother, cathedral,
friend--each plant and stone
pulling you earthward

each spiral of unfolding leaf beckoning:
come, bed in the tender moss,
smell, touch, burrow deep...

You fear, one day,
a siren call,
an irresistable day
when a god rolls over
in the flowers, invites you
to stay and play,
a day on which
you may not return.

poem first published in my book, Crow Ink,
2009 by Little Eagle Press...


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